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    clboyd07221951 commented,

    Too bad that iOttie does not sell just the suction cup. They only sell a replacement base unit that includes the suction cup. But if they do not change the material that the suction cup is made of,...

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    clboyd07221951 commented,

    You might try looking for a product called Goo Gone. It worked for me, but not knowing what material your dashboard is, I would test it first in a not very noticeable part of the dashboard to make ...

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    clboyd07221951 commented,

    Unfortunately, they do not seem to sell replacement suction cups, the whole base unit must be replaced. That's a poor design considering this is a known issue with these phone holders.

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    clboyd07221951 commented,

    I had the same experience, but in the unusually hot summer we are experiencing in Florida, my suction cup did not even last a year, and iOttie's customer service representative informed me that the...